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Logo Design Ideas.

A logo design is the first representation of your company’s image, visually communicating what you do and what you’re about. Good logos can ultimately create a memorable and recognizable reference for your potential customers. In our ever competitive business world, the right design can help set you apart from others in your industry, delivering a positive message about your organization’s brand and its people, and help win consumer confidence. By the same measure, certain colours and design styles can ward away your target audience by delivering the wrong message completely.

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The Right Logo.

Designing a logo for your business is more than creating clever, stylish lettering. You’ll need to know your target audience and develop a brand that effectively communicates your company’s perspective to them. Before you get caught up in any particular direction visually, consider the type of impact and first impression you are wanting to achieve, and whom you are connecting with. It might make sense to do a bit of research online, browsing font and colour schemes. More than likely you’ll come across logos that you love so much, you’ll want them for yourself. Fight the temptation. While we all have designs that we would like to imitate, in reality, it’s just a shortcut to solve a creative challenge and may not be appropriate for your brand. Logos that have stood the tests of time are simple, distinctive and connect well with their target demographic.

One Design, Many Versions.

It’s critical to understand the many different mediums your logo will appear on. If your business has a physical location that clients will visit, you’ll likely require signage to help them find you, so your logo may be featured on an awning or lit up with an outdoor sign. Highly visible locations can take advantage of traffic exposure, and distinctive imagery can deliver a lasting and memorable impact.

Consider also what your logo design will look like in newsprint, on a business card, or on an invoice when it’s faxed or emailed over to one of your clients. What other graphic design elements are you planning on merging it with? Your logo may present beautifully on an HD monitor or glossy business card, but how will it translate across these many instances?

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Logo Design Critical Elements.


    • Be Clear.
      Nothing is worse than a logo you can’t read, or graphic design elements that don’t reflect who you are as a company. Get feedback; use social media and ask friends for their opinions. They’re your best ‘focus group’.
    • Versatility is Key.
      As mentioned, make sure the messaging isn’t lost across the many mediums your logo will appear on. Flexibility means your logo looks awesome large or small; displayed digitally or printed; in colour or black & white.
    • Be Distinctive.
      Creating a look that’s all your own and standing out from competitors in your own industry is paramount. Create an original, winning brand identifier that is all your own.


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