Social media and Internet marketing needs to be at the forefront of your business strategy, regardless of your size or industry.
Leveraging platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can allow customers to connect with your business on many levels, enabling your company to elaborate on its brand identity. Social media creates top of mind awareness for prospects who are following your brand, facilitating communication directly with potential customers. The many layers of depth your business can utilize socially will give your brand a well-rounded image for anyone considering your product or service.
Advantages of Social Sharing.
Posting discount and other promotional offers on Twitter or Facebook may do nothing more than lose followers. Consumers are inundated by advertising every minute of every day and we’re getting pretty good at blocking out this type of unwanted messaging. Companies that find great success in social media management and other mediums of internet marketing have done so by engaging their audience with fascinating articles, stunning videos or blogs that are memorable and interesting. Engaging your social network in this manner will drive traffic to your website and ultimately place your business ‘top of mind’ the next time your audience is in the market for your product or service.
Far beyond the many obvious advantages your business can utilize through social media and brand communication, is the impact it has on your search engine rankings. One powerful and key element to good SEO (search engine optimization) is measured through social media profiles. Social signals such as follows, likes, shares and other types of engagement can help give your brand a boost over non-social competitors.
Help with Internet Marketing.
The main problem with managing your social media and internet marketing channels effectively is that it takes time –time you should spend running your business. Purple Pig can help create a social media management strategy that will give your business a powerful online presence, generating exposure and new opportunities for your brand. Whether you’ve just opened a small business or are a CEO of a large company, we offer flexible solutions for every level and budget. Our social media and internet marketing services include:
- Social media account creation
- Social media advertising campaigns
- Social branding, including custom logos and cover pages
- Blog posting & sharing activity
- Reputation management
- Forum & follower engagement
YouTube & Social Media Advertising
Networks like Facebook and Instagram provide prime PPC opportunities for promoting your brand. Facebook Ad Manager includes Custom and Lookalike audience features that allow you to display your advertising to user groups that are part of your target demographic. You can also use Facebook Ads Manager on Instagram, which now has more than a billion users worldwide. Finally, with in-stream and display advertising, YouTube advertising offers another excellent option for driving traffic to your website.
Whether you’re a startup or multi-million dollar organization, we’re up for anything.